Defeat Your Anxiety Master Class
Learn How to Conquer Anxiety and Live Life
Want to Defeat Your Anxiety
and Take Control of Your Life?
The Defeat Your Anxiety Master Class Will
Systematically and Scientifically Help You:
- Change Your Mindset about Anxiety
- Understand Your Own Self-Defeating Processes
- Better Sleep, Edginess, Worry, Relationships!
- Build Positivity and Security
- Develop Personalized Strategies to Beat Your Anxiety
If You Suffer from Anxiety, Worry, Edginess,
Restlessness, or Other Symptoms This Class
Is for You!
Your Instructor
Hi! My name is Ben Barrett, and I'm a social worker and addictions counselor who has been through significant mental health struggles myself. My intent is to teach you how to systematically and scientifically defeat your anxiety! Looking forward to meeting you!
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
- Over 10 Modules of Video Instruction
- Hours of Teaching Catered to Your Needs
- Individualized and Actionable Steps to Defeat Your Anxiety
- Systematic and Scientific Strategies to Make Biggest Gains
Struggling with Anxiety?
Want to Develop Individualized Ways to Stop
Anxiety in Its Tracks?
Pre-Order now to Beta Test!